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Border Crisis???

"This is a problem that has been created by the federal government.”

In a direct challenge to the Biden Administration, Democratic presidential hopeful Robert f. Kennedy Jr. visited the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona on Tuesday, June 6. During an exclusive interview with NewsNation’s Ali Bradley, Kennedy called the southern border a “dystopian nightmare” after witnessing what he called “desperate people” from all over the world flooding against the border wall. “We’ve watched about 150 people come across in the last hour,” he said. “The first group were about 50 or 60 people from West Africa. This group that is filing behind me right now, we’ve interviewed many of them. They’re from Peru, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, India, China, Tibet, Nepal and all together people have come across right here from 117 nations in the last couple of years.” Kennedy Jr. also met with local farmers, and he said that migrants walking across farm fields and defecating in irrigation canals threatens the safety of that food supply.

"This is a humanitarian crisis because of the understanding across the globe that we now have an open border here," Kennedy said in a video posted to Twitter. It has become an invitation to other people to take this huge risk to get into this country because it’s a signal that it’s an open door.” "There are people being drawn here. They're being abused. There's all kinds of just horrific, terrible, terrible stories, and this is not a good thing for our country. This is not a good thing for these people. It is unsustainable."

Kennedy also claimed that the situation at the border clearly could have been prevented, saying that infrastructure meant to keep people from crossing the border was destroyed. He expressed support for a physical wall at least along some stretches of the border, while also supporting advances in surveillance techniques for more rural parts of the border. In addition, Kennedy cited a need to detain migrants, and he called for regulatory changes in how migrants are handled when it comes to determining who has a legitimate asylum claim. In answer to his liberal Democratic critics, Kennedy said that If the perception of an open border leads to more migrants coming to the border, it puts more people in the hands of cartels. “It’s become a multibillion dollar business every month, smuggling people across.” “What we’re doing now is much more inhumane.”

In perhaps his most damning indictment of President Biden’s immigration policy, Mr. Kennedy cited a lack of attention to America’s relationships with Mexico and other countries in Central America, where the flow of migrants might have been stemmed before it reached the border. If elected, he said he would work on restoring a working relationship with those countries to help reduce migration. Lack of attention? Certainly! According to CNN, on January 8, 2023, two years after he assumed the Presidency, Biden made a “tightly controlled visit to the southern border, his first as president… He spent several hours in El Paso… Reporters on the ground did not see any migrants at the respite center during the president’s visit there, nor along the motorcade routes throughout the afternoon.”

Two hours in two years, and the President did not even bother to see or spend any time with any of the migrants that have been flooding our borders? That’s it?? He obviously must not think there is a problem, and Biden’s border czar, Vice-President Harris, seems to agree. In September 2022, when she appeared on Meet The Press, she declared that the border was “secure;” and then she went on to admit that there was “broken immigration system,” which, of course, she blamed on the previous administration. How would she know the border is secure? We searched the internet to find out how many times she visited the border, and we could only find one visit, in June 2021.

Robert F Kennedy Jr. says there is a lack of attention on the President’s part, and he is, in our opinion, absolutely right. How could Joe Biden and Kamala Harris not be aware that that America’s major cities and also the small towns of the border states, are drowning in debt, as they try to provide for the huge number of migrants? How could Joe Biden and Kamala Harris not be aware of the deadly drugs flooding across our ”secure” border, killing over 100,000 of our young children and adults? How could Joe Biden and Kamala Harris not be aware of the human trafficking and sex exploitation taking place at our “secure” border?

Kennedy says there is a lack of attention. I would go further and say that there is a definite lack of leadership from the President, and really from all the other leading Democratic leaders who have not challenged the President on his feckless immigration policies. Mr. Kennedy is increasingly reminding us of his father, who had the courage to challenge the Democratic President, Lyndon Johnson, over his policies in the Vietnam War. President Johnson ultimately chose not to run for a second term of office. Will Joe Biden do the same, and if so, will Robert F. Kennedy emerge as a leading candidate for the Democratic nomination? We’ll be watching!

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