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King Richard

Richard J. Daley served as mayor of Chicago and as the chairman of the Cook County Democratic Party Central Committee from 1953 until his death in 1976. He was by far the most powerful politician in Illinois during that time. Politically speaking, he was a big city type of liberal who was not afraid to spend a lot of the public’s money. However, he is most remembered for many of his colorful and controversial statements. Long time residents of Illinois will remember his “shoot to kill” order to the police during the Chicago riots following the assassination of Martin Luther King. Our favorite quote of his came after he steered (non-competitively) millions of dollars in city insurance business to the firm which employed his son John, who in turn received more than $100,000 in commissions. The mayor defended his actions, famously telling his critics, "If I can't help my sons, then they can kiss my ass."

In a way, President Joseph Biden is a lot like King Richard. Joe is a long-time liberal Democrat, who certainly is not afraid of spending trillions of the public’s money. The earlier version of Joe was a “law and order” type of guy who in 1994 proclaimed from the Senate floor; “Lock the SOBs up.” The difference, however, is the way they said they treated their sons. In contrast to the Mayor’s open willingness to help his son, Joe Biden repeatedly said during his campaign for the Presidency in 2020: "I have never spoken with my son, my brother or any of their business partners about their overseas business dealings." Was that a bald-face lie to the American people by a dishonest politician too eager to become President?

This past Thursday, a Hunter Biden’s WhatsApp message to Henry Zhao was made public in a Congressional hearing. The message was dated July 30, 2017: “I am sitting here with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

It should be noted that In 2017, Henry Zhao worked with Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC Energy, which has been linked to Chinese military intelligence. Perhaps more importantly, it should be known that within ten days of Hunter Biden’s threatening message to Mr. Zhao, a CEFC subsidiary sent two payments totaling $5.1 million to accounts linked to Hunter Biden.

The immediate White House reaction to this shocking WhatsApp disclosure was silence. Both White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Council strategic communications coordinator John Kirby refused to answer any questions from the press, and Kirby actually stormed off the stage. The next day, however, there was a written response from the White House which said, in part: As we have said many times before, the President was not in business with his son.“ No, that’s not what they said before; instead, they had loudly proclaimed that Joe never talked about overseas business to his son, brother or business colleagues. It appears to us that Joe is now switching his story to say that well, maybe I did talk to my son, but I wasn’t in business with him. In other words, no harm; no foul. It’s not a big deal.

What’s the truth here? The American people have the right to know whether Joe was actually sitting next to Hunter at that very moment of the WhatsApp message. You would think in this age of phone cell tracking, that it should be very easy to ascertain whether Hunter and Joe were in the same location at the time of the message. Also, it is well known that both the FBI and the CIA have spied on the Trump campaign and hundreds of thousands of Americans. You would think that they might be at least a little interested in what the President’s crack addicted son might be saying to people of importance in China. Somebody high-up knows the truth. Let start with the President. He should speak to the American people, and address whether or not, and if so how, he helped Hunter and his brother make millions of dollars from our overseas adversaries over a relatively short period of time. He should also admit, whether or not, any of that money that flowed to Hunter and his brother ever flowed back to him.

There is certainly a lot more to this story, which is still unraveling as we write.

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