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The Stupidest Question!

We’re happy to announce the winner of the stupidest question asked by the moderators of the Trump/Harris debate on ABC.  By far and away, it had to be the one asked by David Muir, who directly challenged the former President:

Do you want Ukraine to win the war?” 

It was a stupid question because it was simplistic, and the important questions surrounding this war are much more serious and complicated.  A far more intelligent question and important follow up questions to both candidates should have been as follows:

Do you want Ukraine to win the war?  If so, define winning.  Do you mean you will support Ukraine until Russia is pushed back militarily to the pre-war border, including the Crimea?  How long will that take?

Do you want Ukraine to win the war, and how much money are you prepared to borrow to accomplish that goal? By May of this year, Congress had appropriated $175 Billion. President Biden has promised more, and he is willing to spend “as long as it takes.”  Do you agree with him? 

Do you want Ukraine to win the war, and how many more people on both sides of the war are you willing to see die before you accomplish that goal? Some say that as many as a million Ukrainians and Russians have perished already.

Do you want Ukraine to win the war, and do you think our European allies are paying their “fair share?” Do you want to see Europe take the lead in money and manpower to support Ukraine, and how hard are you willing to push and/or threaten them to get them to spend more?

Do you want Ukraine to win the war, and how much risk are you willing to take to accomplish that goal?  Already, Ukraine drones have attacked Moscow, and President Biden is considering providing Ukraine long range missiles that could strike deep into Russian territory.  Reportedly, Russia may respond to those missiles by using low grade nuclear weapons. 

Do you want Ukraine to win the war, and is your support conditioned in anyway in forcing Ukraine to return to the democratic values so dear to our nation. The Ukrainian government has imprisoned political opponents, canceled free press, seized the property of churches all over Ukraine and cancelled parliamentary and presidential elections. 

Muir’s question was really a trap for the former President; for if he answered no, he would again be called a Russian stooge and Putin lover, just like he was criticized by Hilliary Clinton preceding and following the 2016 Presidential election.  Indeed, VP Harris seized on his answer to describe Trump as a stooge of Putin, a dictator who would “eat up Trump for lunch.” 

However, Trump’s answer was, as he might say, “perfect.” He avoided Muir’s trap by simply saying he wanted to end the war. He said too many people have already died, and that he wanted to save lives.  He also went on to say that our European allies are not doing enough to support Ukraine. 

The Ukraine people have put up a valiant fight, but it is our opinion that Ukraine does not have the manpower to win a war against a much bigger and more powerful country, even if we further support them by borrowing more and keep on spending hundreds of billions of dollars far into the future.  The United States is already too deep in debt, and it can no longer afford to keep spending by intervening in foreign wars. 

In addition, we do not believe that Russia is a genuine threat to Europe, which has more money and more manpower than Russia will ever have. Europe should easily be able to defend itself against Russia; and the United States, which has a treaty with the NATO countries, will fulfill its treaty obligations and help defend Europe.  In our opinion, however, the NATO countries must take the lead.

Due to the humanitarian disaster in Gaza, both Biden and Harris have called for a cease fire. In contrast, the humanitarian disaster in Ukraine is far greater, but Biden and Harris have never called for peace negotiations; and, in fact, have credibly been reported to have quashed early peace negotiations. We agree with the former President. The death and destruction in Ukraine and Russia must end.  It should start with an immediate cease fire, and difficult peace negotiations should then ensure.

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